  1. We'll be There

From the recording We'll be There

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This year the Country Women's Association of WA celebrate their Centenary. The first meeting took place in the wheat belt town of Nungarin in 1924. From the first days of settlement, women have taken an active role in community development. Individually, they have shown great energy and determination. Many had to cope with arriving on newland blocks to discover homes hastily constructed from canvas and bush timber, or even worse, no homes at all. They had to cope with lack of water, isolation and deprivation of almost everything that had previously been considered a basic necessity of life.

The commitment that these women showed in establishing homes and essential services for their families, also led them to involvement in a wide range of activities and issues relevant to the district and the wider community

From the first days of settlement, Nungarin women have taken an active role in community development. Individually, they have shown great energy and determination. Many had to cope with arriving on newland blocks to discover homes hastily constructed from canvas and bush timber, or even worse, no homes at all. They had to cope with lack of water, isolation and deprivation of almost everything that had previously been considered a basic necessity of life.


WE’LL BE THERE Carmel Charlton
Nungarin, 1924 women came together
They saw a need in the lives of country people
They said, “We will be the voice for those who can’t be heard”
If disaster strikes we’ll be there.

In times of flood, fire and drought
With food and shelter, we’ll be there
On farms and on outback stations
In country towns, we’ll be there

With a voice to keep our schools and hospitals open
Respect our forebear’s struggles and all they achieved.
With friendship, humour, hard work and dedication
In the name of country women we’ll be there

Scones and old remedies in our famous cookbook,
Stout can cure anything, so they say!
Tried and true recipes sent in from ‘round the country’

Mothers and daughter’s still using them today. Chorus

Fundraising, holiday camps, overseas aid, cooking and craft
Choirs, drama, country woman magazine

Nungarin, 1924 women came together
They saw a need in the lives of country people
They said, “We will be the voice for those who can’t be heard”
Whatever happens we’ll be there. Chorus